This last class was devoted to exploring the student art exhibition and giving the students an opportunity to observe and reflect on the work of their peers. To help facilitate this process, students were placed into groups and completed a scavenger hunt to find pieces of art from small photos. Once they found the piece, students reflected on the work by answering questions.
ObjectiveUsing the art exhibit and gallery activity, SWBAT critically examine and discuss art work by explaining and defending their decisions to others.
DocumentationThe follwing images were taken as students explored the exhibition and completed the scavenger hunt. The quotes are answers they developed as they further investigated a piece after finding it.
"It makes me feel happy beacuse the colors are bright."
"I think they used markers and pencils to make the drawing."
"I see green, red, blue, and brown."
"This person jumped out of the airplane and has a parchute so he can land on the ground."